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CC0 - Hand Rake - low poly PBR 3d model

CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication

‘Cultivate with tools in your hand and barefoot!’

● 4096 x 4096 PBR textures

● normal map is baked from the high poly model

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Formats: .fbx, .dae, .max, .obj, .mtl, .png, .glTF, .USDZ Polygon: 1558 Vertices: 1575 Textures: Yes, PBR (ao, albedo, metal, normal, ORM, rough) Materials: Yes UV Mapped: Yes Unwrapped UVs: Yes (non overlapping)


keywords: tree plant instrument flower garden household small exterior tools dirt outdoor farm tool iron works farming watering hobby gardening cc0 soil lawn growing flowering weeding cultivator ncultivate nwood free industrial steel publidomain handrake

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